0 = lossless, 18 good, 23 default, 51 worstĬmd="$cmd -preset ultrafast" # little compression, high bitrateĬmd="$cmd -f mpegts" # MPEG-TS packets, CBR MPEGĬmd="$cmd rtmp://a./live2/" # cmd="$cmd -rtbufsize 702000k" # output video rate?Ĭmd="$cmd -vf scale=640:-1,format=yuv420p" # output video sizeĬmd="$cmd -acodec libmp3lame" # output audio codecĬmd="$cmd -vcodec libx264" # output video codecĬmd="$cmd -crf 23" # constant rate factor. My reading of various cargo-cult droppings suggested that my command might look something like:Ĭmd="$cmd -video_size 1280x720" # input video sizeĬmd="$cmd -framerate 60" # input video frame rateĬmd="$cmd -g 30" # output motion estimation?Ĭmd="$cmd -maxrate 350k" # output video rateĬmd="$cmd -bufsize 700k" # output video rate I gather that the following incantation should list available input devices, but it freaks out halfway through:įfmpeg -list_devices true -f avfoundation -i dummyįfmpeg version 2.3.3 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developersīuilt on 20:56:05 with Apple clang version 4.1 (tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66) (based on LLVM 3.1svn)Ĭonfiguration: -prefix=/opt/local -enable-swscale -enable-avfilter -enable-avresample -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libvorbis -enable-libopus -enable-libtheora -enable-libschroedinger -enable-libopenjpeg -enable-libmodplug -enable-libvpx -enable-libspeex -enable-libass -enable-libbluray -enable-gnutls -enable-fontconfig -enable-libfreetype -enable-libfribidi -disable-indev=jack -disable-outdev=xv -mandir=/opt/local/share/man -enable-shared -enable-pthreads -cc=/usr/bin/clang -enable-vda -arch=x86_64 -enable-yasm -enable-libdc1394 -enable-librtmp -enable-gpl -enable-postproc -enable-libx264 -enable-libxvid -enable-nonfree -enable-libfdk-aac -enable-libfaac Port install ffmpeg +nonfree +librtmp +libdc1394 How do I get video out of a BlackMagic SDI-to-HDMI 4K MiniConverter using ffmpeg on MacOS?

Things are bleak when ffmpeg might make things BETTER than what you were doing before.