If you can’t find the answer to your question on this page, visit our FAQ section.
Mediacom frequently asked questionsHow do I return Mediacom rental equipment?
Locate a nearby location to pay your statement in person at an authorized location by visiting this page. Mail – Send your designated Mediacom mailing address, which is listed on your bill, a monthly payment by mail. Phone: Call (844) 274-6753 to speak with a representative or (888) 333-4039 to use Mediacom’s automated bill payment service to make payments from your phone. Pay automatically each month from a bank account or debit/credit card with AutoPay. Online – Sign into your account at mediacomcable. The options below will help you pay your bill conveniently and without hassle if you need to view or pay your Mediacom service bill.
Give us a call to speak with one of our devoted customer service representatives about getting Mediacom service in your home. Service outagesIf you are curious if your internet trouble is related to service outages, checkĮxamine additional channels to contact a Mediacom customer service agent. Call Mediacom customer service to: Update your account information.